Proprietary Software Development

Increase earnings and competitive advantage with bespoke software solutions.


Proprietary Software Development is the strategic creation of custom software solutions tailored to meet the unique demands and capitalize on the opportunities of your business. It addresses the limitations of generic or disjointed systems by developing bespoke software that aligns with your strategic goals, enhances operational efficiency, and ensures a competitive edge.

This service is crucial for seizing top opportunities, overcoming innovation barriers, and achieving technology or growth targets.

Relativity Holdings specializes in driving increased earnings and capturing competitive advantage through bespoke software development. We understand the nuances of your business challenges and opportunities, designing and implementing software solutions that are as unique as your organization.

Our custom software not only meets your current needs but also adapts to future challenges and opportunities, ensuring sustained operational efficiency, market expansion, and a significant leap in customer satisfaction and organizational agility, all backed by a track record of transformative software solutions across various sectors.

Problem Statement

"Our organization misses opportunities due to a reliance on generic or disjointed software systems, failing to capture or maintain competitive advantage, encountering innovation barriers, burdened by high maintenance costs, facing scalability challenges, exposed to security vulnerabilities, hampered by inadequate compliance, impeded by inefficient data management, over-reliant upon people, and falling short of our technology or growth targets."

Benefits and Outcomes

Increased Earnings
Accelerated & Greater Valuation Growth
Increased Revenue
Market Expansion
Higher Customer Satisfaction
Organizational Agility
Peer Group Leadership

Success Metrics

Valuation Impact
Projected Monetization
Peer Group Ranking
Objectives and Milestones Reached
Return on Investment

Our Process

1. Discovery

Business Case
Business Requirements
Cost-benefit Analysis

2. Design

Solution Design
UX Design
Technical Design

3. Planning

Delivery Forecast
Project Plan

4. Implementation

Progress Monitoring
Project Management

5. Testing

Automated Testing
Manual Testing
Acceptance Testing

6. Release

Alpha Release
Beta Release
Full Release

7. Optimization

Data & Feedback Collection
Cost-benefit Analysis
Continuous Iteration & Delivery

Why Choose Relativity Holdings?

Our Results

Client ROI


Client Retention

Our Culture

Our Vision

We will transform business and save many lives.

Our Mission

We deliver >$10,000,000 of business value and an ROI >700% to every client we serve.

Our Values

We act with honesty and integrity in all of our interactions and decisions.
We take things from zero to one and make consistent quantum leaps.
Customer Focus
Our top priority is delivering the best possible results to our customers.
Work Ethic
We work smart. We work hard. We work, learn, and improve continuously.
Long-term Thinking
We make the best long-term decisions and deliver the best long-term solutions.

Our Guarantee

We will not engage you as a client unless our (i) process, (ii) experience, and (iii) intuition unanimously conclude that we will be able to deliver >$10,000,000 of business value and an ROI >700% to your organization.


What are tell-tale signs that my organization needs Proprietary Software Development?

Your organization may need proprietary software development if you're encountering these issues: missing opportunities due to reliance on generic or disjointed software systems, inability to maintain a competitive edge, facing innovation barriers, grappling with high maintenance costs, encountering scalability challenges, dealing with security vulnerabilities, struggling with inadequate compliance, facing inefficiencies in data management, over-reliance on manual processes, and not meeting technology or growth targets. These signs suggest that custom software development could significantly benefit your operations and strategic goals.

What is the typical timeline for seeing results from Proprietary Software Development?

The timeline for seeing results from proprietary software development can vary widely, depending on the project's scope and complexity. Generally, we aim to build, test, and deploy products within a timeframe ranging from 2 to 12 months. This phased approach ensures that we can adjust to your specific needs and goals, delivering a tailored solution that aligns with your strategic objectives.

What might my organization actually need, as opposed to Proprietary Software Development?

After the initial Discovery phase and aligning with your strategic business objectives, your organization might find that its needs extend beyond proprietary software development. Depending on the identified challenges and areas for improvement, Relativity Holdings can provide targeted solutions such as:

Process Standardization:
To streamline and harmonize operations, ensuring consistent quality and efficiency across your organization.
Automation: To reduce manual effort and increase efficiency by implementing technology solutions that automate repetitive tasks.
Business Transformation: For a comprehensive overhaul of your business strategies, structures, and processes to address fundamental challenges and leverage new opportunities for growth and competitiveness.

These options are designed to address specific operational inefficiencies and strategic gaps, potentially offering a more fitting solution based on your organization's unique context and objectives.

How does Relativity Holdings deliver Proprietary Software Development?

Relativity Holdings specializes in delivering proprietary software development by crafting solutions that not only cater to your immediate needs but are also flexible enough to evolve with future challenges and opportunities. Our aim is to boost operational efficiency, help you break into new markets, significantly improve customer satisfaction, and enhance organizational agility. This commitment is supported by our history of providing transformative software solutions across a range of industries.

Our process is thorough and iterative, encompassing Discovery, Design, Planning, Implementation, Testing, Release, and Optimization stages. We initiate our process with a comprehensive audit to closely understand your company's strengths and areas for improvement. This deep dive sets the foundation for a tailored software development journey that is designed to meet your unique business requirements and strategic goals.

Why choose Relativity Holdings for Proprietary Software Development?

Choosing Relativity Holdings for your process standardization and optimization means selecting a partner dedicated to more than just skill and flexibility. Our foundation is built on key principles that distinguish us: integrity in every action, continuous innovation, putting our clients first, and a blend of smart and hard work. We're focused on providing not just quick fixes but comprehensive, long-term solutions that drive significant business value and return on investment.

Our commitment to streamlining efficiency and pushing the boundaries of innovation allows us to deliver exceptional value faster than our competitors. This dedication, coupled with a client-centric approach, positions Relativity Holdings as the go-to choice for companies seeking impactful and enduring improvements in their processes.